Tuesday 14 May 2013

Deconstructing Nicholas and Fake reviews

Dear Nicholas

I must say how sad and shocked I was to read your reply. I have never met a nonsensical review in my reviewing history on World Ventures! Sad in the fact that there is nothing on your blog worth reading and your shocking ignorance to reality and evidence, and the twisting of what I said and putting it wrongly to your readers. I urge you to continue blogging nonsense, on your so obvious and worthless research about scammers from Nigeria!!! And leave real things to people who know how to deal with such. Perhaps the Nigerian government and the world at large will congratulate you someday on your useless quest.

First and foremost I urge you to go and read deeper about mlm and why it’s not a pyramid scheme?. Look also why it’s easy for legitimate mlm to be called pyramid schemes?. Please avoid using Wikipedia and use real profiled websites for researching. Let me know when you do that and we can have a more meaningful discussion!!!  

However to all reading this blog let me introduce you to Nicholas of 21st Century: A Scam Odyssey, MY GOD IT'S FULL OF SCAMS!!!!!!. Of course nothing about him on his blog as a person and very much understandable in the blogging world, but here are some of his/her notices on his/her blog
First one goes like this

I decided to post some fake ads to attract the attention of scammers. So I feel the need to apologise to all those legitimate online shoppers who may stumble on my ads.

Another goes like this

Avoid informing scammers about this blog
It has come to my attention that several visitors from Nigeria visit this blog.
Sometimes from emails they receive, sometimes from google, sometimes from direct bookmarks
It is in your best interest dear non Nigerian visitor/seller not to inform them about this webpage. I know you want them to know you know they are scammers, but this way they will just change their scamming email addresses and keep doing their "job".
Its way more helpful to let them think you don't know anything, than telling them you found evidence they are the scum of the earth.

This is really hilarious!!! I almost broke my ribs in laughter when I read this. I think a 10 year old can reason better than this. This is comedy at its core…..I might just have insulted the 10 year olds. Ok so this blogger has something going on in his crazy la-la land of his……. and you wonder if he has the ability to really have a good argument or present something worth reading. His poor English and spelling errors cannot go unmentioned.

Anyway what brought this is his reply to my link I posted on his website which has the following information about WorldVentures

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pyramid scheme

For those not knowing what a pyramid scam is, wikipedia has a very informative article.
Googling pyramid scheme or pyramid scam, ends up with very many interesting results.


gs1.wpc.edgecastcdn.net (files hosting)

this company hides under the pretense of free travel and traveling benefits. However it does so using a pyramid or airplane scheme which is illegal in many countries, simply because it is an unsustainable business model.
Moreover it requires for the benefits to keep coming the people you recruit, to remain as paying members and not drop out.
Dropping out is very likely and may be up to 90% if not more. Not to mention that since the whole compensation deal requires to lure new members into the scheme, if you are not able or get discouraged by the high drop off rate, you will end up dropping out yourself, essentially loosing the money and the time you invested.
there are also online discussions concerning this particular "business". Go on, read them and I suggest to stay away.

Posted by Nicholas at 7:19 AM

So a quick answer to some things on his first post is his claim of free travelling. The company does not hide and let alone does not offer free travelling it offers discounted travelling.  So there is nothing of worth, no evidence other than his personal feeling about anything which involves network marketing in his short review of WV. I was really irked by the fact that he just says it’s a pyramid scheme without giving the real details and alone looking at why mlm is not a pyramid scheme. Such reviewers are the reasons I wrote the first blog, they are ignorant and arrogant and to further support his arrogance he further replied to my blog with his new blog calling it Deconstructing Harry and the World Venture. Sadly he calls it deconstructing.

So like any other bad reviewer who attacks me I reply them as such


Nicholas is nonsensical reviewer
WVH is me

Nicholas: A few days back someone named "World Ventures Happy" left a signle line comment with a link to the worldventureshappy.blogspot.com on my post for that company.
Nicholas:That blog is dedicated in speaking positevly (?) for World Ventures. It is nothing more than one single blog post about how awesome that company is.
WVH: Im sorry were they supposed to be more?

Nicholas: A simple chat with my friend about how WV opperates and a simple reading of their website revealed all I needed to know about the operation and not join. I.E. that it is a piramid sceme and as such, a non sustainable business model and hence there is absolutely no point in joining. You have more chances loosing your money than making something out of it. 
WVH: Im sorry you have a closed mind and your trust in Wikipedia, im sorry your friend was not able to explain properly to you.
WVH: I like that you said chance of loosing, which implies you also have chances in winning
WVH: And by the way please help me with your definition of a pyramid scheme and if you can show me your sources (this is part of your homework on mlm)

Nicholas:  Go and educate yourselves on wikipedia or elsewhere about what pyramid schemes are or ask someone who has already been involved in one to tell you his/her experiences.
WVH:  Avoid Wikipedia please for real research, try ftc.org on pyramids schemes, your advise is so weak and baseless what does this really mean

Nicholas:  It seems that the person signing as "WorldVenturehappy" is accusing those that speak negatively for World Ventures that they have alterior motives for speaking negatively. i.e. "clearly there is a bigger motive than trying to save people you don’t know!" So in essense is accusing me of having alterior motives about publishing a blog post making clear that World Ventures is a pyramid sceme that I have something to gain from that.
WVH: Yes that explains the adverts on your website so you can gain from people visiting your site and clicking them

Nicholas:  Surprice! My friend whom I mentioned earlier lost money on WV. I did not give them a dime and nobody else is paying me to mention the obvious.
WVH: Surprise! My friend who I did not mention gained more money with WV. Well if I knew you I would belive you…… then again I believe you because you seem to have nothing to do on your spare time so yes no one would pay to have nonsensical reviews.

Nicholas: You know, this blog is actually helping people that I do not know. Just go ahead and read the comments on my posts.
WVH: Which people? Which post? (There only 3 comments on the mentioned post from me and him)?

Nicholas: I choose not to post my name cause in this blog there is not only World Ventures (who might have pure intentions though I doubt it) but others who, if there is a disticntion to be made, belong to the dark side
WVH: i like these words "World Ventures (who might have pure intentions.....)" Im glad some where in your heart you can reason.
WVH:The English here is totally flawed you would not understand what the nonsensical author is trying to put through....oooooh hang on hes talking about the Nigerian scammers?

Nicholas: Besides the WorldVenturesHappy dude does not mention his name either which in my book quite probably means that he is the CEO of World Ventures or someone closely related/paid from them
WVH: Muhahahahahahahahah……… oh really….what book now?

Nicholas: The reason I moderate this blog, since this seems to be an issue for him, is to
1. Avoid spam comments
2. Preventing the abuse of comments from the individuals mentioned in the blog.
WVH: ????????

Nicholas: The World Ventures Happy dude poses a few questions on the subject.
1. did you really take time to research about the company from real profiled people you know?
2. Have you gone to Success home magazine and asked about WV?
3. Have you gone to the Ernest and Young Websites or called the local offices to inquire?
4. If WV is in your country have you gone to the Ministry of Tourism or anything with deals with such to ask them more about WV?
the answers to these questions are: Yes, No, No, No.
WVH: I like your honesty, and clearly it shows why I asked you in the first place to do homework, please take this seriously, it might save you from scam…..muhahahahahahaha

Nicholas: A review on their website had all I needed to know about them. I do not need to visit Ernst and Young or the ministry of tourism. I do not care about their financial status and connections with ministries around the world. Besides Bernard Madoff was a "reputable" businesman untill he got arrested for pyramid fraud.
WVH: this is not Bernard Madoff, Don’t use historical failures to support your answer. What more do you know about Madoff? What more example do you have of famous historical people or organisations audited by EY? (As part of your homework)

Nicholas: Sometimes persons who we do not know are more trustworthy from persons we do know. HAve you ever bought something on Ebay? Did you fracking know the mofo seller? I bet you did not!
WVH:  I like this example , this is a system which is credible, the intermediate who is ebay do all the groundwork for the sellers so that they don’t  scam the buyer, so Ebay has made its name known and credible and now trustworthy just like EY who made sure WV is credible and it does not scam people.

Nicholas:  So please cut the crap about a world conspirasy agains World Ventures.
WVH:  what crap?

Nicholas: Want interesting travels? Try Couchsurfing, Hospitalityclub etc which is free and there is no BS marketing involved.
WVH: Free? which world do you live in …..your crazy land right? Do you really know what WV really do? Or by the way you don t have time to research about that? Couchsurfing, Hospitalityclub oooohhhh you are in for a surprise

Nicholas:  He also goes ahead to mention Herbal life and Avon 2 companies that sell you shitty stuff. (Honestly I used hebal life stuff once and I will never ever ever again use their products, by a cousin of mine who sold it to me and who eventually ended up using the entire shit he bought from Herbal life cause nobody wanted to buy those things). (Avon uses the same technique).
WVH: This is not a herbal life or Avon argument

Nicholas: And then goes on on a marketing sales pitch of how fucking awesome is World Ventures.
WVH: please avoid using bad language if you want people to seriously read your posts

Nicholas: And then goes on again to mention Ernst and Young who "Ernst & Young to Pay $123 Million to Settle Tax Shelter Fraud Charges" Surely a company that pays to stop an investigation must be of high reputation right?
WVH: please check my blog for the actual words http://worldventureshappy.blogspot.com/

Nicholas: And makes a stupid comparison with insurance agencies. Surely nobody heard aboutAIG going bust right? However the concept with insurance is that from all the people using a car, not all of them will crash on the same time and people pay a fee so that when shit hit the fan they can afford the huge hospital bills compensations etc which they wouldnt be able to afford otherwise. So WTF has a pyramid scheme to do with insurance? All pay some crash and get paid. What exactly are you comparing? And you are required usually by law to have insurance for certain uses. I bet many wouldn't be insured if they could or if they couldnt afford to.
WVH: stupid to whose standard? Yours of course and who else…? Well this argument came as a result of showing how much bargaining power an insurance can have by more people being under it. Please follow the argument closely it seems you scraped the surface as most of your posts

Nicholas:  An other interesting thing is that he calls Success home magazine reputable. I do not know this particular magazine.
WVH: I wouldn’t be amazed if you didn’t know who is the current President of USA.  Clearly you don’t  know the difference between MLM and pyramid scheme?

Nicholas:   In my book though lifestyle magazines are getting paid to present positive views on various things. World Ventures could be one of those.
WVH: Which book? Are you making an allegation here? Do you have the evidence or its all based on your  theories to support your scam allegation

Nicholas:   Did anyone hear about Medicine companies pblishing medical journals themselves with the sole purpose of giving positive views on a variety of medicine they produced? Is there a problem with that perhaps? Yes or No?
WVH: I haven’t heard anything of this sort, surely you seem to know all scams. Are you  human or a robot?

Nicholas: Elselvier, one of the most famous Scientific Journal Publishers published 6 fake mofing journals! So people read them and thought they were reading legitimate science. So of course Success Home Magazine is reputable. LMAO!
WVH: I propose you lodge a complaint to the courts about wrong reviews in success home magazine and elsevier to save people from scam :-). It’s a shame you don’t have a name or image to protect and it so happens our famous friends at Success home magazine have an image to protect? This is real things not proposed research

Nicholas: Why exactly do you want to know who the fuck Oz is and where he lives and what he does? How the fuck will this benefit your arguments against him? Or me for that fact? And how the fuck are you anonymouse WORLD VENTURE HAPPY more trustworthy than anonymouse me? Try to explain that in your strawman arguments.
WVH: it has everything to do with trust on what they have done and can do. I  gave people 2 choices to believe the anonymous world of people like you with no evidence on what they say versus a broad range of real, reputable and tangible systems which you can ask about WV. So I didn’t ask people to trust me as in your poor first article.

Nicholas: And then you go and have a variety of anonymouse comments obviously in my views written by yourself and your friends WorldventureHappy dude. Cause you know some BS arguments can go both ways.
WVH: Another allegation with no evidence, it’s sad that your arrogance tells you to believe what you want and I won’t waste my time on that .

There are fake reviewers and bad reviewers, this is a classical example of a nonsensical reviewer who doesn’t know how to argue and clearly did not have enough time to read the blog. He does not base on facts and believes in Wikipedia to answer all his questions?

So please do your homework or research before you reply to anything!

Cheers and Take care!

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